Whelks to Whales

Cold Water Scuba Diving> Scuba Diving Books> Whelks to Whales

This is a newly revised and expanded second edition of this amazing book which categorizes the many indigenous marine species to be found in the
Pacific Northwest.

California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska.

Author Rick Harbo shares his knowledge in this full color guide to 400 of the most commonly seen marine species that live in the temperate region of the Pacific Ocean.

This is an excellent book for divers, snorkelers, beachcombers, and outdoor enthusiasts alike.

Get your copy today!

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Tides & currents

Here is an excellent link to
tide and current charts
for Nanaimo, BC.
At the bottom of displayed
chart you will see two links,
"other tide stations" or
"other current stations"
follow these links for
information from California
and right up to Alaska.