Victoria BC Dive Sites

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The City of Victoria, located on the southern part of Vancouver Island has many excellent dive sites, whether from shore or boat.

This small metropolis is largely surrounded by an extensive coastline, with pretty decent access to much of its waterways.

You can do your own dives, or if you would rather, there are some Dive Shops with Dive Masters (and Charters) available to guide you to some great diving.

If you are visiting specifically for diving I highly recommend you use the Guided Boat Diving available which is the best and safest way to see Victoria's awesome Scuba Diving sites.

For some of us divers, boat diving is the only way to go, but if you are fit enough to walk the half mile at Ogden Points Breakwater, you can pretty much handle any shore dives on Vancouver Island.

My diving experience in British Columbia's capital city is fairly limited at this time, but I can assure you that there is great diving to be had there with all amenities close at hand.

Some dives that I can personally speak of are Ten Mile Point,
Ogden Points Breakwater, and Race Rocks.

These are all must do dives if visiting Victoria, BC.

Ten Mile Point is potentially a high current site for the advanced level diver, and still requires some local knowledge as well as an up to date "Tide and Current Guide".

Ogden Point Breakwater can be accessed at any time 24-7, and it has depths for divers of all levels of experience.

For the adventurous and advanced level diver, there is a boat dive just off Metchosin at a place called Race Rocks.

This is a spectacular dive site and a great adrenaline rush!

Here at this site you can do a couple of dives, one would be with the Sea Lions, and then if the Current permits, try to do
"Little Browning Wall"

Here at this dive site expect to encounter high currents!
(It is highly recommended you use a guided boat for safety as well as for the fact that there is no anchoring)

There are literally hundreds of curious Sea Lions as well as lots of Fish and Invertebrate life to see and photograph.
Race Rocks is also an Ecological Marine Reserve so please be aware of any special restrictions that must be adhered to.

Go to Dive Site Directory From Victoria BC

As mentioned earlier there are several great dives in Victoria but any dives that I have not personally will not be written about until they clear my bucket list.

I was recently in the Brentwood Bay area and dove the Willis Point site, it was an OK dive but it lacked much marine life.

The site itself has great access and its an easy swim to a wall loaded with cracks and crevices that look very promising, but as I said there was not much to see.

Anyway both of these dives are available to all levels of experience.
There are a few books available for site descriptions and directions.
See the link below for "Divers Guide Vancouver Island South"

If you know any dive sites whether shore or boat, in Victoria BC or anywhere else on Vancouver island, feel free to share them by following this link to a page called "Share Your V.I. Dive Story"

Thanks for visiting, cheers!

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Tides & currents

Here is an excellent link to
tide and current charts
for Nanaimo, BC.
At the bottom of displayed
chart you will see two links,
"other tide stations" or
"other current stations"
follow these links for
information from California
and right up to Alaska.