Race Rocks in Victoria, BC

Home Page> Dive Site Directory> Victoria BC Dive Sites> Race Rocks

Race Rocks off of Victoria BC, has some of the best diving available on Vancouver Island. One of the dives here is even nicknamed "Little Browning Wall" because of the amount of life on it!

Photographs courtesy of Dean Driver

Dive buddy and photographer extraordinaire

Thank you Dean!

Accessible by a fairly short boat trip from either downtown Victoria (charter from the Ogden Point Dive Shop) or Pedder Bay in Metchosen.

The Ecological Reserve at Race Rocks has something for everyone, but do take note that there is no anchoring, no spear fishing, and no collecting allowed at this location.

The only thing you can take are pictures!

Speaking of which, there are amazing photo or video opportunities available at this great dive site.
There is an incredibly diverse and abundant amount of marine invertebrates, fish and large mammals to be found here.

As you approach this historical site you can observe one of the oldest light houses in Canada (built between 1859 and 1860),
and then closer still you are greeted by the loud barking of a huge and boisterous Sea Lion population.

Both California and Stellar sea lions will come close to check you out as you submerge for your dive, so hopefully you are not easily intimidated.

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This small cluster of rocky islets are aptly named for there are often fast currents to contend with, but consequently, that is why there is so much life in the waters that surround this incredible Ecological Reserve.

If you plan on diving here be sure to use a guided boat so that you can get not only the most from your visit to one of Victoria's best dive locations, but also a day of safe diving.

It should also be noted that there is a very strong possibility of seeing large marine mammals, in particular, Pods of Killer Whales.

If the dive boat operator arranges a signal to alert you to the arrival of theses huge animals, make sure you heed the signal and get out of the water!

You can also expect to see other large animals besides the local
Sea Lions, such as Grey or Humpback Whales, Dall's or Harbour Porpoises, and even White Sided Dolphins. All of these mammals frequent the nutrient rich waters around Race Rocks.

There is also a large and diverse population of sea birds, including birds of prey like Bald Eagles.

Be sure to bring your camera.

Have fun and dive safe!

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Tides & currents

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