Ogden Point Breakwater

Dive Site Directory> Victoria BC Dive Sites> Ogden Point Breakwater

Victoria's Ogden Point Breakwater boasts one of Vancouver Islands best and most popular dive locations.

It is located right in downtown Victoria at 199 Dallas Road.

From the newly certified  to advanced level divers, there are depths and challenges for all.
Access is mainly from the breakwater itself, and other than it can be a fairly long walk, this is a great dive site

You can enter the water at the beach or walk part of the way along the wall, or if you want to, and you have the energy, walk all the way out to the furthest end of the breakwater. It's about a half mile or 800m.

The area around Ogden Point is also a designated marine sanctuary, so you must refrain from taking anything other than photographs.
Sport fishing is allowed though, so always be aware of discarded hooks and fishing line.

Other cautions to observe here are the ongoing possibilities of slippery rocks, and in the warmer months use extra care when entering the water as the kelp obscures your vision near the surface from the breakwaters large granite stones.

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Other than these few inconveniences the breakwater is a great dive site, loaded with many different species of fish and invertebrates.

Huge Ling Cod, lots of rock fish and Sea Perch, Puget Sound King crabs, Wolf eels, Octopus, and the list goes on...

If you like photography, there are many excellent opportunities to get some really great pictures or videos.

Occasionally there are even visits from large marine mammals like Seals or Sea Lions.

Depth out to the second bend is roughly in the range for open water certified divers, while out at the end of the breakwater, depths will hit about 90ft. (27m) plus.

Enjoy and dive safe, cheers!

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