Madrona Point "Main Wall"

Nanoose Bay Dive Sites> Madrona Point Overview> Main Wall

The "Main Wall dive" at Madrona Point, is what many would argue to be the best shore dive in the central area of Vancouver Island.

Giant Pacific Octopus

This great dive is just another good reason why this is such an excellent site to visit.

You will be pleasantly surprised with your visit to the Main Wall at Madrona Point and the great scuba diving it provides.
At about a 90ft max depth, it is rated as an advanced dive and has lots to see.

It is quite a long wall, with lots of nooks and crannies, where an Octopus or Wolf eel sighting is pretty much guaranteed.

(A special note here is to take notice of which way the eel grass is laying as you head out to the Wall. If it is laying to the right or east on the way out to the Main Wall, there will likely be some current on your return)

If you are heading for the Main Wall at Madrona Point there are two entry points, what we like to call either the "Big V" or the "Little V".

See the map below.

The "Big V" is directly in front of you when get to the beach.

For the "Little V" take the right fork on the trail just before the beach, and then follow this trail to where it runs out by the park bench, then go left and head down to the point.

Take a zero or north heading for this dive, and you will likely pass close beside, or even decide to go through what we call The Maze.
This is a random jumble of large rock outcroppings on the way out to the Main Wall.

Go to Dive Site Directory From Madrona Point Main Wall

The Maze by the way has lots of marine life to explore , from small critters, and right up to the possibility of a Sea Lion or two. Many of us will plan to return through at least part of it on the return swim.

Continue heading North and you will arrive at the top of the Main Wall.

Now go to your left or west a short distance where the wall begins, then drop over and down, always keeping the wall to your right.

Be sure to look under the large slab of rock you will find immediately upon reaching the bottom!

Explore along the wall until it's time to turn back.

A return heading will be 180 degrees, or as an option follow the top of the wall back to the Maze, exploring your way back on the same heading to an exit at either the Little"V" or the Big "V".

Enjoy and dive safe.

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