Browning Pass

Dive Site Directory> Cold Water Scuba Diving> Browning Pass

Browning Pass just north of Port Hardy on Vancouver Island, offers up some of the best cold water scuba diving in the world.

Photographs courtesy of Craig Golby. Thank you Craig!

Some years ago Jacques Cousteau visited this area and rated it as one of the four best dive locations in the whole world!

This area is a pristine marine environment, located in a wild and largely untouched area in what is known as the Gordon group of islands at the northern most point of Vancouver Island.

Browning Pass is a high current area, and consequently boasts a diverse and amazing amount of marine life.
The colours will astound even the most well seasoned diver, and if you are a photographer then this is a place you must visit.

Like a kid in a candy store you won't know which way to turn.

This area is truly a divers paradise!

Yes this sounds corny, but I can guarantee if you come here to dive you will leave tired, and completely satisfied.

Amazing colours of invertebrate life, monster size puget king crabs, octopus, wolf eels, sea lions, dolphins and porpoises, whales, and on...

How about a ship wreck? you bet there is, and unfortunately for the mariners on board the S.S. Themis, this natural wreck was placed haphazardly by a sometimes cruel and unforgiving mother nature.
Follow this link to learn more about the wreck of the S.S. Themis.

Go to Dive Site Directory from Browning Pass

I was fortunate to visit such an amazing area and share some great diving with a group of people out of the "Sundown Dive Shop" in Nanaimo BC.

We all stayed at a place called "The Hideway" in clam cove which offers accommodation, meals, and guided diving.

Having an experienced guide/diver and a live boat we were able to get to several excellent dives all within a half hour or less.

On the daytime dives the water was so clear, you did not even need lights at 60 or 80ft to see all the colours .

The marine life on the walls was virtually unchanged whether you were at 10ft or 100ft.

You can stay at any depth you prefer and relax while the current carries you along the walls, and then when you come up just get back on board and start thinking about the next dive.

We also did a few night dives that were no less spectacular for the absence of natural light.
Our beams illuminated plenty of night time marine life and we also had a full moon for directional reference.

If anyone doubts that we live in paradise out here on the west coast, spend some time in Browning Pass and that should remove all doubt.

Thanks for visiting. Cheers and safe diving.

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Tides & currents

Here is an excellent link to
tide and current charts
for Nanaimo, BC.
At the bottom of displayed
chart you will see two links,
"other tide stations" or
"other current stations"
follow these links for
information from California
and right up to Alaska.